Tuesdays @ 6:15-7:15pm
Ages 10-13 (1 Hour)
Expand your knowledge and experience on stage!
This class is ideal for performers of this age group who have some previous experience in dance, singing, theatre or musical theatre or who are continuing our programming through this academic year. Beginners in this age group are also welcome. Students who are 12 or 13 with lots of experience should consider registering for the Teen Troop.
Continue building performance skills and confidence as you prepare roles, learn choreography, and act your way to the stage for a Scenes Performance!
This term, students will be working on custom scenes featuring solos, duos and ensembles. ​
Each class will prepare their own performance. Students will also have a chance to write their own scene!
Classes are weekly for 1hr.​ This group has a maximum of 12 participants. ​
Week of January 6th, 2025 - March 23rd, 2025 ​
(No class on March Break)
Class Location: SOPAC Studio on Woodward​
Tuition $350
FALL 2024
Expand your knowledge and experience on stage!​
Build performance skills and confidence as you prepare roles, learn choreography, and act your way to the stage for a December performance!
Classes are weekly for 1hr and intended for students who have some prior experience or have taken a musical theatre style class before.
This group has a maximum of 12 participants.
Term 1 - FALL 2024
September 16th - December 7th >>> Performance: Saturday, December 7th @ 7pm (CityView United Church)
(No class the week of Oct 14th - Thanksgiving)
Class Location: SOPAC Studio on Woodward​​
Tuition $350